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Promoting Mahogany Trees as the Landscape Heritage in Metro City onto Achieving SDG 11

Fritz Akhmad Nuzir


Metro City in Lampung Province was started from an area established from the policy of colonization from Java Island carried out by the Dutch East Indies colonial government. This program in addition to relocating residents from the island of Java also “relocated" an element of the urban landscape with a distinctive physical character, which is a row of Mahogany Trees. In Metro City, Mahogany Trees have grown well along Jl. AH. Nasution which is the axis of Metro's spatial structure. Through virtual observations and documentation using Google Maps data from 2015, 2018, and 2019 by utilizing the Streetview, it was known that there were 161 Mahogany trees along this road. By knowing the current condition of the row of Mahogany Trees, the importance of immediate conservation efforts can be identified. There are four conservation components that need to be implemented, namely community participation, knowledge, and skills, as well as good planning, regulations and institutions, and also financing. If conservation can be done well, landscape heritage will not only become a sustainable urban identity but will also act as a catalyst for socio-economic development through tourism and trade, and of course the health of residents and their natural environment in accordance with Goal 11 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Landscape; Colonization; Urban Identity; Metro; Conservation

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