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About SDGs Center

The Center for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Studies of Universitas Bandar Lampung, or UBL SDGs Center, was established at 27 January 2021 and legalized by the Decree of the Rector of Universitas Bandar Lampung Nr. 5/SK/UBL/I/2021. The UBL SDGs Center aims to: 

1.    Providing
science-based inputs, innovations, recommendations, and strategies towards
achieving the SDGS; 

2.    Monitoring and
evaluating the progress of SDGs globally, nationally, and in Lampung Province

3.    Mainstreaming the
SDGs on research, education, and community service; 

4.    Facilitating the
stakeholders in collaboration towards achieving the SDGs.

Its activities were focused on 3 (three) main components: 

1.    Education and
Teaching Program; 

2.    Researches and
Innovations; and 

3.    Community Services

Currently UBL SDGs Center is enlisted as one of the 51 SDGs Centers in Indonesia under
coordination of SDGs National Secretariat in BAPPENAS.